Saturday, July 26, 2008

random thought...

jase blogging...

the democratic national convention is coming up and before you know it, it will be time to vote for our next president. what if obama wins? dont get me wrong, i want him to win, but i question if i'm ready for the changes that will bring.

honestly, i think we still live in a society that sees black men in a very narrow scope (just ask CNN, lol). but, if obama wins what will society expect from me? will it expect me to stop playing football because it is the stereotypical route for black males to find their way out of the hood? or will it take away affirmative action? if a black man made it to the white house, do i really need help getting into college or corporate america?

so far, what society thinks of me (or black men in general) has not turned me away from following my dream... just something to think about


Anonymous said...

If Obama gets to the White House it is but one dream achieved of one black man. Unfortunately the world, especially the corporate world is not a democracy, and some will still need to be REMINDED that people of all races can be productive.

Anonymous said...

"When" Obama wins this election, I dont think that black men will be forced to fit into a certain prototype and not fulfill thier own dreams, i.e. football, basketball, etc. If anything I think that he will be able to demystify that sterotype by becoming a successful black icon in our society without having to dribble a basketball.

The question that I have for you jj is do you think that black america will EXPECT Obama to be our Moses and help the black community with its struggle, i.e. black on black crime, single parent home, fatherless children, etc?